
New VHF Regulation – MSC.1/Circ. 1460/Rev.3.

New VHF Regulation – MSC.1/Circ. 1460/Rev.3.

Navcom Coomunication Equipment

“Implementation of the latest Radio Communication Regulations Appendix No.18 including 4-digit channel will be effective at first radio survey on or after 1 January 2024”

The Maritime Safety Committee of IMO recognized that incompatibility might exist between VHF radio-communication equipment installed on ships and onshore and the revised frequencies and channeling arrangements for the maritime VHF bands as contained in appendix 18 to the ITU Radio Regulations (RR) – Edition 2020.

ITU made extensive changes to appendix 18 of the RR. Find here MSC.1/Circ.1460/Rev.3.These changes do not affect the GMDSS but the use of other frequencies for VHF meteorological, navigational, and urgent marine information broadcasts, port operations, and Vessel Traffic Service (VTS). According to the Performance standards for shipborne VHF radio installations capable of communication and digital selective calling (resolution A.803(19), as amended), VHF radiocommunication equipment should comply with the RR.

Based on the new regulation, the first radio survey which will take place after 1st of January 2024, all VHFs have to comply with the appendix 18 of the Radio Regulations, which require 4-digit channels to be available on the fixed VHFs on board.

Ship Owners and managers are advised to take note of above and accordingly liaise with the VHF radio communication equipment manufacturer to arrange for timely up gradation of the equipment on their ships.

Please get in touch with us at to understand the next course of action for the VHF Installations onbaord your vessels.

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